Probably the worst fear of any loving pet owner. My booking forms have a section where I ask you to complete the details of your vet and any pet insurance policy.
In the event of your cat becoming sick or injured whilst in my care I will take them immediately to either your vet, or if that is not possible for any reason, Aurora Vets in Bucksburn where my own cats are registered. Both John and myself have cat carriers and blankets in our cars at all times.
My booking forms have an "Emergency Veterinary Care" section which I ask you to sign. In the event of an emergency, this will be presented to the vet on arrival. By signing this, you give your permission for the vet to carry out any emergency treatment on your cat as deemed necessary, the cost of which will be your responsibility.
If your cat requires non-emergency veterinary treatment whilst in my care, I will seek your consent before making an appointment. The cost of which will remain your responsibility.